political entity called Nigeria has continued since independence under one form
of governance to the other. The military rulers have had to rule by decrees
thus suspending the constitution that guarantees the citizenry their
fundamental human rights Adenuga (2003). It, therefore, makes it obvious that
the basis for government, which is for the ultimate good of the people, is
defeated when their rights are not guaranteed. And indeed authoritarian rule
has not helped human right issues, as abuse had over time been recorded and
even in the most bizarre manner.
periodicals, glossies or serials are publications
that are printed with ink on paper, generally published on a regular schedule
and contain a variety of content. They are generally financed by advertising,
by a purchase price, by pre-paid magazine subscriptions,
or all three. Fawose (2004) at its root the word magazine refers to a
collection or storage location. In the case of written publication it is a
collection of written articles.
rights are the basic standards human beings need to live life with freedom and
dignity. Human rights include fundamental civil and political rights, such as
the right to free speech, to freedom of religion, and the right to participate
in government. Human rights also include essential economic, social and
cultural rights, such as the right to education, to work, and to healthcare
Hurt (2004).
rights are the rights that all people have simply because they are human
beings. Each of these rights are inalienable; they cannot be denied or taken
away from any youth. They are also
indivisible; all human rights are equally important and one right cannot be
taken away because it is said to be less important than another. Finally, human
rights are interdependent, all human rights are connected and you cannot
guarantee one right without ensuring that other rights are protected Hurt
have the responsibility to uphold and protect the rights of others. Human
rights are protected when all individuals are treated with respect, when all
voices are heard and when discrimination is absent. They are protected when
torture is non-existent and peace prevails. We practice our human right when we
choose to attend school, to worship, to speak our political opinions or to
travel. Basically we can exercise our human rights whenever and wherever we
have the option of choice in any given situation Oyeleye (2004).
rights are the basic standards human beings need to live life with freedom and
dignity. Human rights include fundamental civil and political rights, such as
the right to free speech, to freedom of religion, and the right to participate
in government. Human rights also include essential economic, social and
cultural rights, such as the right to education, to work, and to healthcare (Adenuga
2003). Human rights are the rights that all people have simply because they are
human beings. Each of these rights is inalienable; they cannot be denied or
taken away from any individual. They are also indivisible; all human rights are
equally important and one right cannot be taken away because it is said to be
less important than another.
human rights are interdependent, all human rights are connected and you cannot
guarantee one right without ensuring that other rights are protected. Individuals
have the responsibility to uphold and protect the rights of others. Human
rights are protected when all individuals are treated with respect, when all
voices are heard and when discrimination is absent. They are protected when
torture is non-existent and peace prevails. We practice our human right when we
choose to attend school, to worship, to speak our political opinions or to
travel. Basically we can exercise our human rights whenever and wherever we
have the option of choice in any given situation (Adenifose 2003).
magazine as a tool for promoting human rights among Nigerian youths is what is
being discussed. The main thrust of this research is to bring to the fore the
magazine as a tool at the various variables in the proper management of human
right among Nigerian youth.
issues of political human rights abuses and how the various ethnic and
religious factors have seriously short circuited the proper management of human
right among Nigerian youth will be perused with a view of finding a way out of
most serious human rights problems during 2011 were the abuses committed by the
militant sect known as Boko Haram, which was responsible for killings,
bombings, and other attacks throughout the country, resulting in numerous
deaths, injuries, and the widespread destruction of property; abuses committed
by the security services with impunity, including killings, beatings, arbitrary
detention, and destruction of property; and societal violence, including ethnic,
regional, and religious violence. Other serious human rights problems included
sporadic abridgement of citizens' right to change their government, due to some
election fraud and other irregularities; politically motivated and
extrajudicial killings by security forces, including summary executions;
security force torture, rape, and other cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment
of prisoners, detainees, and criminal suspects; harsh and life-threatening
prison and detention center conditions; arbitrary arrest and detention;
prolonged pretrial detention; denial of fair public trial; executive influence
on the judiciary and judicial corruption; infringements on citizens' privacy
rights; restrictions on freedom of speech, press, assembly, religion, and
movement; official corruption; violence and discrimination against women; child
abuse; female genital mutilation; the killing of children suspected of
witchcraft; child sexual exploitation; ethnic, regional, and religious
discrimination; trafficking in persons for the purpose of prostitution and
forced labor; discrimination against persons with disabilities; discrimination
based on sexual orientation and gender identity; vigilante killings; forced and
bonded labor; and child labor.
main thrust of this study is to study is to examine magazine as a tool for
promoting Human right among Nigerian Youths (A Study of Tell News Magazine).
Other Specific objective of this study shall include the following;
1. To
examine the role of magazine in the
promotion of human right among Nigeria Youths
2. To
identify the particular contents of the magazines that are devoted to promotion
of human right among Nigeria youths
3. To
determine the appeal generated by magazine contents devoted to the promotion of
human rights among Nigerian youths.
4. To
investigate the problem confronting magazine as a tool for promoting human
rights among Nigerian Youths
5. To
offer recommendations towards the problem confronting the promotion of human
rights among Nigeria Youths.
The following research question
guide the study
Has the magazine been
able to manage human right among Nigerian youths?
2. What
are the roles of magazine as tool for promoting human rights among Nigeria
3. What
are the implications of magazine on the promotion of human right among Nigeria
4. What
are the problems confronting magazine as a tool for promoting human rights
among Nigerian Youths?
5. IS
there any possible solution to overcome the problems?
study will provide useful information on the magazine as tools for promoting
human rights among Nigerian youths. It will also examine the role at extent
which the Tells News magazine plays in promoting human rights among Nigerian
Youths. This study also aims at helping
to reduce the problem of face by Nigerian Youths as a whole.
outcome of this study will be useful to academic, educators, Mass
Communicators, Reporter, governmental and non – governmental organization,
civil societies and the general public.
study will also fuel further research into the study, and act as a consulting
material to other researcher.
research study is to investigate the magazine as a tool for promoting human
rights among Nigerian Youths. Tell News Magazine will be chosen for the purpose
of this study. The management and Co – staff will be involved in the study in
which their respondents to through research questionnaire to gather information
to help the researcher to arrive at a reasonable conclusion.
To investigate the roles of Tells magazine (magazine) as tool for
promoting human rights among Nigeria youths
To examine the effectiveness of tells
magazine among competitive of magazine
mass media
To investigate the ability and
effectively of the Tells staffs input and output
In the course of this
research, there are some terms used in this foundation on which this research
is based. The words such as Magazine, human right and Youths will be looked into, for there are
to be a proper understanding of the research.
periodicals, glossies, or serials are publications that are printed with ink on
paper, and generally published on a regular schedule and containing a variety
of content. They are generally financed by advertising, by a purchase price, by
pre-paid magazine subscriptions, or all three. At its root the word magazine
refers to a collection or storage location. In the case of written publication,
it is a collection of written articles.
This is those rights
that all youth are or should be entitled to. These rights are immutable,
inalienable rights that cannot be denied anybody. They are rights and
privileges that are given by nature to man by virtue of being a human being.
These rights include right to life, freedom of association, freedom of speech;
freedom of movement etc. and they are enshrined in the 1999 constitution of the
federal republic of Nigeria.
It is the duty of both the government
and the governed to respect the provisions of the constitution as it concerns
human rights.
is generally the time of life between childhood and adulthood (maturity).
Definitions of the specific age range that constitutes youth vary. An
individual's actual maturity may not correspond to their chronological age, as
immature individuals can exist at all ages. Youth is also defined as "the
appearance, freshness, vigor, spirit, etc., characteristic of one who is
young". Youth is a term used for people of both sexes, male and female, of
a young age.
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